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Accommodation for the Eleventh Iris Murdoch Conference

Accommodation for the Eleventh Iris Murdoch Conference


Accommodation for the Eleventh Iris Murdoch Conference

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British Society of Sports History Annual Conference 2024

British Society of Sports History Annual Conference 2024


The University of Chichester in partnership with the British Society of Sports History are hosting the society's annual conference at the Bishop Otter campus, Chichester, PO19 6PE, England.

The conference will take place on Thursday 22 and Friday 23 August 2024 with an ECR event on Wednesday 21 August. 

Conference Registration 

Registration categories: Full Meeting (2 days) or One Day (Thursday or Friday)
Full Delegate: £110 - 2 days or £60 - 1 day.
Retired/Unwaged/Student (not presenting): £60 - 2 days or £45 - 1 day
Postgrads & ECRs who are presenting at the main conference: Free 

The registration fee includes:

- All programme components 
- Meals in Otters Restaurant
- Free internet access in Halls and on campus


Accommodation will be provided on-campus for delegates. This cost will be £60 per night and includes a complimentary breakfast served at the Campus’ Otters Restaurant. 

For those who wish to attend the PhD/ECR workshop before the main conference, accommodation will be available for the night before the workshop (20th August). Extended stays on the Friday night can also be accommodated.

Conference Dinner 

The conference dinner will be held on the evening of Thursday 22 August at the Harbour Hotel in Chichester.

The cost for this will be £45 per person. ECRs are free, but must book their place.


Bookings with payments by 2 August 2024




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