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Gramarye Issue 8 e-book

Gramarye Issue  8 e-book


Order the eighth issue of Gramarye in pdf or mobi format. The printed edition of Gramarye was available to pre-ordering customers and subscribers only. ISBN 978-1-907852-39-8.

This issue’s contents include:

  • ‘The Mysterious Rolling Wool Bogey’, Simon Young
  • ‘The Snow Queen’, script by Anupama Chandrasekhar
  • An interview with Anupama Chandrasekhar
  • ‘Three Roads River’, Judith Woolf
  • ‘Arianrhod’, Steve O’Brien
  • ‘But still, the heart doth need a language…’, George Green
  • ‘My Favourite Fairyland Fiction’, Ruth B. Bottigheimer
  • A Carnivalesque Recasting of the Grimms’ Tales: a review of Natalie Frank's Tales of the Brothers Grimm, Sandra L. Beckett
  • A review of Walter De La Mare's Told Again: Old Tales Told Again, Nicholas Tucker
  • A review of Daniel Ogden's Drakon: Dragon Myth and Serpent Cult in the Greek and Roman Worlds, Jacqueline Simpson
  • A review of Ann Schmiesing's Disability, Deformity and Disease in the Grimms’ Fairy Tales, Seana Kozar
  • A review of Defining Magic: A Reader, Marion Gibson
  • A review of MacGillivray's The Last Wolf of Scotland, Niall McDevitt
  • A review of The Gothic Fairy Tale in Young Adult Literature: Essays on Stories from Grimm to Gaiman, Malini Roy
  • A review of Jan Beveridge's Children into Swans: Fairy Tales and the Pagan Imagination, Katherine Langrish
  • A review of Eliza Granville's Gretel and the Dark,Andrew Teverson
  • A review of Terry Pratchett's The Shepherd’s Crown, Jane Carroll
  • Correspondence between Jacqueline Simpson and Tom Shippey


Gramarye Issue 8 ebook
