| Hi, you are logged in as , if you are not , please click hereYou are shopping as , if this is not your email, please click here DescriptionThe Journal of the Chichester Centre for Fairy Tales, Fantasy and Speculative Fiction The 20th issue of Gramarye is out now. Pdf versions are also available. This issue includes: - ‘From Rape Trauma to Genius through Narration in Contemporary Little Red Riding Hood Tales’, Carola Wide and Marinella Rodi-Risberg
- ‘The Mab of Folklore’, Simon Young
- ‘Reclaiming Stories: Invoking the Goddess’, Vanessa Marr and Jessica Moriarty
- ‘Lob’, Iain Rowan
- ‘The Tale of Two Kingdoms’, Ben Coppin
- ‘Child Price’, Akua Lezli Hope
- ‘Sky Is Falling!’, Susan diRende
- ‘The Peddler’, Garry Bliss
- ‘The Miller’s Daughter’, Kathleen Murphey
- ‘The Rise and Fall of Narnia: A review of From Spare Oom to War Drobe: Travels in Narnia with My Nine-Year-Old Self, Simon Young
- A review of La nouvelle jeunesse des contes: Transcréations des recueils de Perrault et des Grimm, Jack Zipes
- A review of A Pre-Columbian Bestiary: Fantastic Creatures of Indigenous Latin America, B.C. Kennedy
- A review of Johnny Breadless: A Pacifist Fairy Tale, B.C. Kennedy
- A review of The Broken Spell: Indian Storytelling and the Romance Genre in Persian and Urdu, Victoria Leslie
- A review of Retelling Cinderella: Cultural and Creative Transformations, Lorenza Gianfrancesco
- A review of Fabula Rasa’s poetry collections, Zoe Mitchell
For further information please go to: http://www.sussexfolktalecentre.org/journal
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