This issue includes: · ‘“The soul and centre!”: morality and death in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld’, Judith Woolf · ‘Little Red Riding Hood: A Discourse of Disciplinary Punishment’,Claudia R. Barnett ‘Once Upon a “Fairy Tale Revolution”: Adapting Canonical Fairy Tales Beyond Happily Ever After’,Michelle Anya Anjirbag ‘The Big Tower of Darkness: Haunting Energy in Catherine Linstrum’s Nuclear’, Helena Bacon · ‘Amos’, Samantha May ‘Recipe for a Fairy Tale’, Elizabeth Hopkinson · ‘Kai at 37’, Jon Stone · ‘Kuebiko’, Jon Ston ‘Frog’, Jon Stone · ‘Fairy Tale: Winter Strawberries, a Song for Unwanted Children’, Christie Maurer · ‘Black Lullaby’, Christie Maurer · A review of By the Fire: Sami Folktales and Legends, Victoria Leslie A review of Fantasies of Time and Death: Dunsany, Eddison, Tolkien, Joseph Young A review of Hans Christian Anderson in Russia, B.C. Kennedy A review of Inviting Interruptions: Wonder Tales in the Twenty-First Century, Apolline Weibel ·A review of Staging Fairyland: Folklore, Children’s Entertainment, and Nineteenth-Century Pantomime, Jonathan Roper ·A review of Merpeople: A Human History, Victoria Leslie · A review of The Arts of Angela Carter: A Cabinet of Curiosities, B.C. Kennedy · A review of 101 Middle Eastern Tales and Their Impact on Western Oral Tradition, D.L. Ashliman · A review of The Monster Theory Reader, Willem de Blécourt |