| Hi, you are logged in as , if you are not , please click hereYou are shopping as , if this is not your email, please click here DescriptionOrder the 15th issue of Gramarye in pdf form. This issue includes: Translated tales - Simon Hughes, ‘Camilla Collett: A Walk and a Tale’
- Valentina Polcini, ‘Dino Buzzati’s ‘Cypresses’: A Rackham-inspired Story
Articles on fantasy and gothic: - Jeana Jorgensen, ‘Changelings with a Caffeine Addiction: How Urban Fantasy Adapts Folklore’
- Dr Sara Cleto and Dr Brittany Warman, ‘Porphyro is Dead: Exploring Narrative Ambiguity and Folk In-tertexts in Keats’ ‘The Eve of Saint Agnes’
Speculative Fiction - Jonathan Mills, ‘The Broken Isles’
- Poppy O’Neill, ‘Tomb of the Unknown Gravida’
Articles on fairy tales - Sherryl Clark, ‘Writing New Fairy Tales: The Tattered Coat’
- Dikaia Gavala, ‘Let It Go: Revising ‘The Princess Story’ in Disney’s Frozen’
Poetry - Matthew Francis, ‘Ye Xian’
- Lawrence Wilson, ‘A Sestina for May Eve’
Reviews - A review of The Company of Wolves, Emily Jessica Turner
- A review of Fairies: A Dangerous History, Francesca Bihet
- A review of Mixed Magic: Global-local dialogues in fairy tales for young readers, Anthony James O’Shea
- A review of Dancing with Trees: Eco-Tales from the British Isles, Joanna Gilar
- A review of Botanical Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland, Rose Williamson
- A review of Aladdin: A New Translation, Ruth B. Bottigheimer
- A review of ALL KINDS OF FUR: Erasure Poems & New Translation of a tale from the Brothers Grimm, Sara Cleto